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OP-ED: As I See It: Washington is finding itself very much out of touch - by Congressman Bill Posey

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Congress should not be passing legislation that makes it more expensive for Americans to fill the gas tank and drive to Florida for a vacation. It should not pass legislation that raises airline fuel taxes and ticket taxes. And, it should not be mandating a $1,600-$3,000 energy tax on every family in America – especially now when our economy is struggling. But, that is exactly what…

Online Calculator Helps Families Determine Cost of “Cap & Trade” Energy Tax

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A non-partisan educational foundation has created an online calculator to help families determine how much the Waxman/Markey “Cap & Trade” National Energy Tax bill will cost them every year. The Tax Foundation’s Household Cap-and-Trade Burden Calculator is based upon a study released in March which shows that a cap-and-trade system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15…

House Approves Cuts to NASA’s Manned Space Flight Program

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Today, Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) voted against passage of the Commerce Justice Science Appropriation bill, which included a $566 million cut to NASA’s next generation human space flight vehicle – Constellation. Congressman Posey had proposed an amendment which would have restored the funding, but House Democrat leaders shut down the amendment process, preventing over 90…

House Leaders Ban Cost-Cutting Amendments, Accountability, and Transparency on $65 Billion Spending Bill

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Last night debate on the first of twelve spending proposals came to grinding halt when House leaders in the majority shut down the chamber for fear of having to vote on amendments to prevent further wasteful government spending. Members of Congress attempting to offer amendments to the $65 Billion Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriation bill quickly found themselves shut out of the…

Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2009 (H. R. 2607)

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Congressman Posey is a cosponsor of H.R. 2607, legislation that amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to provide for establishment and governance of association health plans (AHPs), which are group health plans whose sponsors are trade, industry, professional, chamber of commerce, or similar business associations, and which meet certain ERISA certification…

Digital Television Transition Takes Effect Friday, June 12th

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This Friday, June 12th almost all local TV stations will be required by law to stop broadcasting in the 50 year old analog TV format and start broadcasting in the new digital TV format. Government coupons for a digital converter box are still available to people who want help making the conversion. “It’s important for folks to know that this deadline is rapidly approaching and to…

Congressman Posey Honors High School Students with Congressional Medal of Merit

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) awarded the 2009 Congressional Medal of Merit to 26 distinguished 15th Congressional District high school students at the Brevard County Government Complex today. The graduating seniors were nominated by their schools for the Congressional Medal of Merit based on criteria set by individual Members of Congress. Each student has demonstrated exemplary…

Balanced Budget Amendment (H.J. Res. 1)

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Congressman Posey is a cosponsor of the Balanced Budget Amendment, legislation that would amend the U.S. Constitution to require the federal government to balance the budget every year by prohibiting Congress from spending more than it takes in annually. This proposed amendment would also require a three fifths vote by both houses of Congress in order to raise the public debt limit and…

Congressman Posey's Memorial Day Remarks at Cocoa Beach

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) delivered the following Memorial Day remarks at the Elia P. Fontecchio VFW Post (VFW Post 10148) in Cocoa Beach yesterday: "'Freedom is never free.' "We are each vividly reminded of that today. "There is an empty chair at the dinner table at night, in the church pew on Sunday, or at the family picnic. We miss the son, daughter, husband,…

The Child Tax Credit Preservation Act (H.R. 793)

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Congressman Posey introduced the Child Tax Credit Preservation Act which makes the $1,000 per child tax credit permanent and requires that it be indexed to account for inflation each year. Rep. Posey was joined by Rep. Parker Griffith (D-AL) in introducing this bill. The idea behind the legislation is to help families plan for future expenses and to correct for the value of the credit…

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