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"Cap & Trade" - National Energy Tax

Congressional Art Competition Finalists Announced

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On Saturday May 3rd Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) hosted the 2014 Congressional Art Competition entitled “An Artistic Discovery” in the Richardson Center at the Indian River State College in Vero Beach. Three finalists were chosen out of 70 entries and several were also selected for special recognition. The Indian River Charter School’s choir and orchestra provided musical…

Congressman Posey’s Statement on the President’s Address

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement in regards to the President’s speech about the gulf oil spill: “I’m disappointed that the Administration’s initial response was not as swift as it should have been,” said Congressman Posey. “The President must take command of the situation in the gulf, use all resources at his disposal to seal the oil leak, contain…

Posey Opposes Cap & Trade – National Energy Tax

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) provided the following statement as he prepared to vote against the Waxman-Markey “Cap & Trade” National Energy Tax legislation. At press time it was uncertain if the bill would proceed to a final up or down vote as Democrat leaders were lacking the votes among their members to secure passage of the bill. The 1500 page energy tax bill was amended…

OP-ED: Bill Posey, pro-con: Let's call cap and trade what it really is, a massive energy tax on every U.S. citizen

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Congress is considering legislation that has the potential to raise your energy bills significantly, along with the price of just about everything you buy. Estimates on how much the 900-page Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade National Energy Tax legislation could cost vary, but estimates range between $750 and $3,100 per family per year. Washington typically low balls the cost of things,…

OP-ED: As I See It: Washington is finding itself very much out of touch - by Congressman Bill Posey

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Congress should not be passing legislation that makes it more expensive for Americans to fill the gas tank and drive to Florida for a vacation. It should not pass legislation that raises airline fuel taxes and ticket taxes. And, it should not be mandating a $1,600-$3,000 energy tax on every family in America – especially now when our economy is struggling. But, that is exactly what…

Online Calculator Helps Families Determine Cost of “Cap & Trade” Energy Tax

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A non-partisan educational foundation has created an online calculator to help families determine how much the Waxman/Markey “Cap & Trade” National Energy Tax bill will cost them every year. The Tax Foundation’s Household Cap-and-Trade Burden Calculator is based upon a study released in March which shows that a cap-and-trade system designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15…

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