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Congressman Posey’s Statement on the President’s Address

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement in regards to the President’s speech about the gulf oil spill:

“I’m disappointed that the Administration’s initial response was not as swift as it should have been,” said Congressman Posey. “The President must take command of the situation in the gulf, use all resources at his disposal to seal the oil leak, contain the spill and clean it up. This is not an easy task by any means, but it’s not an impossible one either with the right plan.

“The Cap & Trade/National Energy Tax, which passed the House and which the President called for this evening, will do nothing to prevent future oil spills but will in fact further harm our nation’s economy by increasing energy bills and killing an estimated 2.5 million more American jobs. As the cost of doing business here in America increases, the much needed investment capital along with incomes and other job opportunities will continue to dry up.”

Congressman Posey spoke on the House floor earlier today about the negative impact that the Cap & Trade/National Energy Tax will have on the economy. His speech can be viewed HERE.

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