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Congressman Posey's Memorial Day Remarks at Cocoa Beach

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) delivered the following Memorial Day remarks at the Elia P. Fontecchio VFW Post (VFW Post 10148) in Cocoa Beach yesterday:

"'Freedom is never free.'

"We are each vividly reminded of that today.

"There is an empty chair at the dinner table at night, in the church pew on Sunday, or at the family picnic. We miss the son, daughter, husband, father, mother, sister, wife –who is not with us today. And, we remember the grandfathers who fought and died

"What was it that led so many of them to pay the ultimate sacrifice? I think the writer and journalist G.K. Chesterton sums it up well:

"'Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.'

"They felt so strongly about the need to live free, to see their loved ones and fellow countrymen live free, that they laid down their lives. Chesterton went on to write that:

"'The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.'

Where is the monument today to honor those who paid the ultimate price? The English poet Thomas Dunn points us to their monument which is before us each day. He wrote that:

'… the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye.'

"Their monument is this great nation, the United States of America.

"Their sacrifice has not been in vain.

"We gather here today in the land of liberty, the beacon of freedom to honor them.

"While millions around the world are denied the right to free speech, the protection of private property, and the right to worship their God, we have these freedoms - because of the sacrifices of others.

"America is grand and has achieved much largely due to their sacrifice.

"America is free today because we have remained strong. We have a military today that is unmatched in the world and we must continue this commitment.

"Our men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other dangerous places around the world today are defending our freedom from dangers most Americans will never know exist.

"To secure the United States for future generations, we must take seriously the threats that face us today.

"Today’s enemy of freedom, in many ways, is very different from the enemies of yesterday. They don’t wear a uniform or march in a single nation’s army. They are ruthless and threaten ordinary Americans going about their daily work. Our peace was shaken on September 11, 2001, when 3,000 civilians were killed, yet our commitment to freedom was only renewed.

"As a nation we must never revert to a September 10th mentality. Our battle against those who hate freedom will be a long battle, but we will prevail because freedom is on our side.

"Just as those of you who are veterans of yesterday’s wars vividly remember the sacrifices that you and your fellow soldiers bore, we must show great respect for those on the front lines of today’s battles around the globe.

"We a sincere thanks and gratitude to our fallen men and women in uniform and their families who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation defending the liberties that we hold dear.

"I am proud to be here in your presence this Memorial Day.

"We honor those who are not with us today. A special thank you to each of them who are not here today – because they were willing to give up their tomorrows we are able to enjoy today.

"God Bless You and God Bless America."

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