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National Debt

One Year Later Health Care Law Has Created Uncertainty, Higher Costs, Loss of Liberty and Bigger Government

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement on the one year anniversary of the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as the National Health Care Law): “The Administration should stop selectively issuing health care waivers to over 1,000 individual organizations and instead issue one giant waiver for every American who wants…

President Proposes Irresponsible $3.8 Trillion Budget for FY 2012

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Today the President released his Fiscal Year 2012 budget blueprint which spends a record $3.8 trillion leaving another record $1.6 trillion budget deficit, the third straight trillion dollar budget deficit in a row. The President’s budget will lead to a $1.6 trillion tax increase on families and businesses, fails to address entitlement spending and paves the way for adding another $13…

House Acts to Save $1.4 Billion by Eliminating Taxpayer Financing of Presidential Campaigns

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With the support of Congressman Bill Posey, the House of Representatives yesterday overwhelmingly passed legislation to end taxpayer financing of presidential campaigns and party conventions. “During his State of the Union Address last night, the President said he was willing to eliminate whatever we can honestly afford to do without,” said Congressman Posey. “Public funding of…

Congressman Posey’s Statement on the State of the Union Address

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Congressman Bill Posey released the following statement in regards to tonight’s State of the Union Address: “It was a good speech but the real test will come in a few weeks when we see if the President’s budget plan matches up with what was said tonight,” said Congressman Posey. “We need to enact policies which will create the right kind of environment for businesses of every size…

Posey Sworn-in for Second Term in U.S. House of Representatives

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U.S. Representative Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) was sworn-in this afternoon for a second term as a Member of the United States House of Representatives vowing to make job creation and accountability his top priorities. Today marks a shift in control of the House as Representative John Boehner (R-OH) becomes the new Speaker with a 242 –193 Republican majority. The first order of the House…

House Votes to Adjourn without Addressing Massive Tax Increases

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By a one-vote margin, the U.S. House of Representatives adjourned without addressing many pressing issues facing the American people including a massive $4 Trillion tax increase set to take effect January 1, 2011. Postponing action on this tax relief will hinder economic recovery and job creation. Failure to act will cost the 15th Congressional District about $1.3 billion over the next 10…

New Report Cites Stimulus Waste, Need for Accountability and More Transparency

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A new study conducted by Senators Tom Coburn (OK) and John McCain (AZ) details 100 projects funded through taxpayer dollars in the $786 billion stimulus bill passed by Congress in February 2009. The stimulus, which was only made public 12 hours before debate began on the floor of the House of Representatives, was sold to Members of Congress and the public as a way fund shovel ready…

Treasury Report Says U.S. Debt on Fast Track to Levels that Brought About Greek Collapse

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The Treasury Department issued a report last Friday night indicating that the US debt would reach $13.6 trillion this year – 93.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – and exceed $19 trillion by the year 2015. This year alone federal outlays total more than $3.5 trillion with only $2.1 trillion in receipts to date.   “America’s annual budget deficits are unsustainable,” said Congressman Bill…

Congress Should Stop Spending Our Children and Grandchildren’s Future

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Today the House of Representatives voted to increase the nation’s debt limit by another $1.9 Trillion raising the grand total from $12.36 Trillion up to $14.29 Trillion, an increase of 15.3 percent. Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) opposed the action, equating it to “generational theft”.  “Washington has had a spending problem for some time now and it’s our job to get a handle on…

President Proposes $3.8 Trillion Budget and $10 Trillion in Additional Debt Over Next Decade

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal: “Today the President released his Fiscal Year 2011 budget which calls for more record-level spending increases and $2 trillion in higher taxes,” said Congressman Posey. “Instead of handing our children and grandchildren a fiscally sound future, this…

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