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President Proposes $3.8 Trillion Budget and $10 Trillion in Additional Debt Over Next Decade

Plan Kills Human Space Flight, Includes Record Spending and Costly New Tax Increases

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal:

“Today the President released his Fiscal Year 2011 budget which calls for more record-level spending increases and $2 trillion in higher taxes,” said Congressman Posey. “Instead of handing our children and grandchildren a fiscally sound future, this Administration is proposing that we continue living on their credit cards, passing the bill on to generations to come.

“Congress and the Administration would be wise to focus attention on a plan to create the right kind of environment for businesses of all sizes to grow, add jobs and prosper. We need to look at ways to make America more competitive in the world so businesses will choose to stay here and continue to employ Americans. Last year, Congress passed the Administration $800 billion stimulus plan which turned out to be a dismal failure. The engines of our economy need to be set free from excessive taxation and regulation so that they can expand and create jobs.

“We must lay the groundwork to bring government spending under control while relieving taxpayers and small business owners of the massive burden of paying for more bureaucracy and bigger government. $2 trillion in tax increases, massive energy taxes, and costly global warming regulations, and health care taxes will hamper our recovery and push jobs overseas.

“One way to keep America competitive and maintain our technological edge is by maintaining America’s leadership in space. Unfortunately, the President’s budget moves us in the opposite direction by retiring the Space Shuttle and canceling the Constellation program. His budget proposal runs contrary to his original promise to close the space gap and keep America first in space. Our investment in human space flight is important to preserving our edge in science and technology, national security, and an overall higher standard of living.

“This budget is more of the same philosophy that has plagued Washington for many years: it lacks accountability and asks American families and small businesses to tighten their belts and sacrifice while bureaucrats in Washington live the good life. We cannot afford to delay getting our fiscal house in order.”

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