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Taxes & Fiscal Responsibility

Posey Receives ‘Defender of Liberty Award’ From the American Conservative Union

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Today Congressman Bill Posey received the “Defender of Liberty Award” from the American Conservative Union (ACU) in recognition of his commitment to America’s core principles, the nation’s Constitution, and for his 100% conservative score in the 2009 Annual ACU Ratings of Congress. ACU grants the award to Members of Congress who have displayed a record of protecting liberty and fighting…

Posey Joins Coalition in Opposing New VAT Tax

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As American taxpayers rush to meet the April 15 deadline to file their taxes, Congressman Bill Posey joined with 54 of his House colleagues as part of the Congressional Anti-Value Added Tax Caucus (Anti-VAT Caucus). The Anti-VAT Caucus is an alliance between Members of Congress and taxpayer advocates dedicated to reducing the tax burden on businesses and individuals and working for…

President Proposes $3.8 Trillion Budget and $10 Trillion in Additional Debt Over Next Decade

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding the President’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget proposal: “Today the President released his Fiscal Year 2011 budget which calls for more record-level spending increases and $2 trillion in higher taxes,” said Congressman Posey. “Instead of handing our children and grandchildren a fiscally sound future, this…

Transparency Needed in FED – AIG Transactions

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In a recent letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Congressman Bill Posey joined with 25 of his fellow House Members in calling for documents detailing the Fed’s handling of the AIG bail-out to be made available to Members of the House Financial Services Committee and its staff. Aides to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs have already been granted access…

Posey Introduces Deficit Reduction Check-Off Legislation

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Today, Congressman Bill Posey introduced the Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act, legislation designed to give the American people a stronger voice in reigning-in out of control government spending. Posey’s bill, H.R. 4308, which already has the support of 17 of his colleagues, would create a means by which the American taxpayer could put a small portion of their tax refunds toward deficit…

Posey: Congress Should Vote on Clean Defense Bill

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) joined 173 of his House colleagues in writing to Speaker Pelosi requesting a clean Defense Appropriations bill that only funds the troops and not a list of unrelated items that may have problems passing on their own merits. The letter was sent on the eve of news that Speaker Pelosi was considering using the Defense bill to authorize another $1.9…

House Continues Spending Spree

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The House of Representatives considered and approved omnibus appropriation legislation today that rolls six appropriations bills into a single 2,500-page bill spending over $350 billion dollars. The omnibus legislation increases spending on these bills by 12% over last year and represents a 24% increase over FY 2008 spending. “The road to perpetual indebtedness continues to be paved…

House Brings “Death Tax” Back to Life

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Today Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) opposed legislation offered by the Majority to make the “Death Tax” permanent with a top rate of 45%. Under current law the Death Tax will be 0% for 2010. “The death tax should be allowed to die, yet this bill with its deceiving title, gives it new life,” said Congressman Posey. “Congress needs to start putting policies in place to create the…

Posey Questions Treasury Secretary on Effectiveness of Stimulus

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At a joint hearing of the Agriculture and Financial Services Committee today, Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) questioned Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on the effectiveness of the $1.2 trillion stimulus in light of the rising unemployment rate and low levels of consumer confidence. “Unemployment is at a 26 year high of 9.5% and consumer confidence is still relatively low,” said…

The Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act (H.R. 4308)

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Congressman Posey introduced the Deficit Reduction Check-off Act (H.R. 4308), legislation to add a new “Deficit Reduction Check-Off” line to IRS tax forms. Individuals would be given the opportunity to direct up to $10 of their tax rebate/refund for deficit reduction ($20 for joint filers). While the individual’s tax return would only be reduced by a maximum of $10, Posey’s bill directs…

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