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Posey Receives ‘Defender of Liberty Award’ From the American Conservative Union

Today Congressman Bill Posey received the “Defender of Liberty Award” from the American Conservative Union (ACU) in recognition of his commitment to America’s core principles, the nation’s Constitution, and for his 100% conservative score in the 2009 Annual ACU Ratings of Congress. ACU grants the award to Members of Congress who have displayed a record of protecting liberty and fighting against big-government in Washington.

“Liberty has always been an important cornerstone of the American tradition and I’m honored to receive this award for upholding the core principles of the Constitution,” said Congressman Posey. “It’s clear to me that Washington needs more transparency and accountability. Without either, our liberties take a back seat to big government bureaucracies.”

“This Defender of Liberty award is a reflection of Representative Bill Posey’s outstanding record in support of conservative principles on a wide range of issues of concern to grass roots conservatives in 2009 and someone to whom conservatives can turn to for leadership,” said David A. Keene, Chairman of the American Conservative Union. “At a challenging time when the fundamental principles on which the American system of government are being challenged, Representative Bill Posey stands with those who are trying to preserve those principles.”

Recently Congressman Posey received the “Spirit of Enterprise Award” from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for key votes to help the private sector expand and create jobs. He was also awarded the Constituent Service Award from National Write Your Congressman, a non-partisan organization that encourages Americans to communicate directly with their elected officials.

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