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Posey Votes to End COVID Telework Policies

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Today, with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) support, the House passed legislation (H.R. 139) to terminate telework policies which federal agencies put in place during the pandemic allowing federal employees to work remotely from home. According to the Office of Personnel Management, about 47 percent of the federal workforce is still working remotely.   “Over the course of the…

Restoring Health Care Worker Freedom

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With the support of Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge), the House passed legislation (H.R. 497, the Freedom for Health Care Workers Act) to ban Medicare and Medicaid from mandating COVID vaccines for staff and health care providers as a condition to participate in those programs. “While they were recognized early in the pandemic as brave and heroic, health care workers went…

Posey Supports Legislation to Secure America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve

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Today, with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) support, the House passed H.R. 21, the Strategic Production Response Act, which prevents non-emergency drawdowns America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve without first establishing a plan to increase the percentage of federal lands leased for oil and gas production.  “The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a national security asset and…

Bipartisan Legislation Holds Chinese Solar Companies Accountable for Violating U.S. Trade Laws

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Today, U.S. Representative Bill Posey (R-FL) along with U.S Representative Dan Kildee (D-MI) and 4 other colleagues introduced their bipartisan legislation to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable and support American manufacturers and workers. “The Communist Party of China should not be allowed to circumvent our trade laws and undercut American manufacturing,” said…

Posey: Strategic Petroleum Reserve is National Security Asset

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Today Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) supported H.R. 22, the Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act, legislation protecting our Strategic Petroleum Reserve from being sold to foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). "The strategic petroleum reserve is a national security asset intended for use in wartime or during a national emergency,”…

Posey: U.S. Must Counter a Growing China

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With the support of Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge), the House passed H. Res. 11 to create a bipartisan select committee to examine the strategic competition between the U.S. and China to better protect American jobs, workers, and industries from the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). “The influence of the Chinese Communist Party is vast and extends all over…

Posey Supports Select Committee to Investigate Weaponization of Government

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Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives voted to create a new select committee to investigate the weaponization of the federal government. Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) supported creating the new committee, which will be structured under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee.   “The federal government’s highest purpose is to protect our Constitution and…

Posey Supports Important Pro-Life Legislation

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Today, the House of Representatives, with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) strong support, passed H Con. Res. 3 to condemn the recent attacks on pro-life facilities and churches and H.R. 26, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, to make it a federal crime to withhold standard medical care to children born alive during an abortion. “It should be common sense to give…

Posey Votes to Repeal 87,000 IRS Agents

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Tonight, with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) support, the House of Representatives passed The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act (H.R. 23).  The legislation repeals a provision of the Inflation Reduction Act providing for 87,000 new IRS enforcement agents passed during the last Congress.   “Weaponizing the IRS to target and harass American families and…

A New Republican Majority Begins Working for the American People

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement on the start of the 118th Congress and the election of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House: “Tonight’s vote allows the new House Republican majority to begin working for the American people, tackling the border crisis, addressing inflation and high prices, reining in out of control spending, and…

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