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Posey Votes to Repeal 87,000 IRS Agents

Tonight, with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) support, the House of Representatives passed The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act (H.R. 23).  The legislation repeals a provision of the Inflation Reduction Act providing for 87,000 new IRS enforcement agents passed during the last Congress.
“Weaponizing the IRS to target and harass American families and small businesses to pay for Washington’s insatiable appetite to spend money it doesn’t have is wrong. Many Americans are hurting as a result of the Biden Administration’s costly and failed policies which have produced the worst inflation in 40 years. Tonight, the new House majority is making good on its promise to reverse this trend and put our nation on a better course,” said Congressman Posey, an original cosponsor of H.R 23.

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