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Posey Supports Legislation to Take Action on PFAS Contamination

Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed with Congressman Bill Posey’s (R-Rockledge) support the PFAS Action Act of 2019 (H.R. 535) which takes action on PFAS environmental contamination. PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of man-made chemicals manufactured and used in a variety of industries and can be found in a wide range of consumer products.

“This legislation will help lead to healthier communities with cleaner environments and safer drinking water,” said Congressman Posey. “When we find that long exposure to certain chemicals and substances can lead to serious health problems, we have a responsibility to act.”

PFAS has now been confirmed in the water of more than 1,400 communities, including nearly 300 military installations, and studies have linked PFAS to serious health problems, including cancer. The PFAS Action Act will mobilize a muscular response to PFAS under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act — it accelerates drinking water regulations, and provides robust funding to address and remediate PFAS impacts. The legislation builds on progress made in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, which prohibited the use of PFAS containing firefighting foam on military bases. Last year Congressman Posey worked with residents and the Army Corps of Engineers to designate South Patrick Shores a Formerly Used Defense Site – a major step in remediation and fighting contamination.

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