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Posey Salutes Shuttle Workforce

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement honoring of the men and women working at the Kennedy Space Center who have maintained the America’s Space Shuttle fleet: “I offer my sincere thanks to men and women of the shuttle workforce for their commitment over the past three decades to keeping America first in space. While the astronauts are often the ones who…

House Votes to Adjourn without Addressing Massive Tax Increases

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By a one-vote margin, the U.S. House of Representatives adjourned without addressing many pressing issues facing the American people including a massive $4 Trillion tax increase set to take effect January 1, 2011. Postponing action on this tax relief will hinder economic recovery and job creation. Failure to act will cost the 15th Congressional District about $1.3 billion over the next 10…

NASA Legislation Averts Potential Gutting of Nation’s Space Agency

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The House passed a NASA Authorization bill with the support of Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) which, if not enacted, would have paved the way for the Administration to dismantle key NASA programs without Congressional consent. “Had the House had failed to pass a NASA bill this week, the Administration, whose NASA plan failed to keep the promise of closing the gap and keeping us…

Posey Legislation Creates House Committee to Hold Agencies Accountable for Proposing Job Killing Regulations

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) recently introduced legislation to establish a House Committee with the sole purpose of reviewing federal regulations that trample on businesses, kill jobs, and force businesses and local governments to pick up the costs of excessive regulations. The bill, H. Res. 1649, amends the rules of the House of Representatives to establish the Committee on…

After Six Months, Health Care Reform Undermines Stated Goals

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As health care reform reaches its 6 month anniversary, many American families and small businesses remain skeptical of the new law, because it is driving costs higher, will force more than half of all Americans to lose their current health plan, and it is hampering economic recovery and job creation. “Before passage of this law, Americans were told they could keep their health care…

Tax Increases Would Cost Florida 40,000 Jobs A Year and Local Families Over $700 A Year

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If Congress fails to stop the massive $4 trillion tax increase set to take effect on January 1, 2011, families and businesses of Florida’s 15th Congressional District will lose thousands of jobs and over $700 per year in higher federal taxes according to a new study on the impact of President Obama’s proposal to raise taxes.   “Higher taxes coupled with wasteful spending and more…

Nation Honors 223rd Anniversary of the Signing of the U.S. Constitution

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Today the nation celebrates the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. That day, thirty-nine delegates gathered in Philadelphia and signed the historic document which establishes the framework for our national government as a Constitutional Republic. On June 21, 1788, the Constitution went into effect after New…

Posey Continues to Press SEC for Answers, Accountability in Madoff Debacle

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In a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee today, Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL) continued to press U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairwoman Mary Schapiro for more answers into why the agency failed to act on overwhelming evidence that now convicted investor Bernard Madoff was running history’s largest ponzi scheme and why, to this day, no one within the SEC…

Posey Releases Statement on September 11th

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Congressman Bill Posey released the following statement in honor of September 11, 2001:   “Today we honor the lives of our fellow Americans who died nine years ago during the sinister attacks that took place on September 11, 2001.   “We humbly thank our brave men and women in uniform, and their families, who sacrifice so much to defend our nation from threats around the world.   “We…

Indian Harbor Beach Elementary School Named Blue Ribbon School

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Today, Ocean Breeze Elementary School has been named a 2010 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U. S. Department of Education. This award recognizes Ocean Breeze Elementary for their commitment to excellence in education for all children.  “Congratulations to the teachers, administrators, and especially the students of Ocean Breeze for achieving such high marks,” said Congressman…

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