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Posey: President Can Help Economy by Reducing Regulatory Burden

As the President delivers his latest economic recovery speech before a joint session of Congress, U.S. Representative Bill Posey (R-FL) is urging the Administration to put the brakes on new federal regulations and begin the process of examining the impact these rules have on the economy and job creation.

“I’ve got a 3 foot stack of new and proposed federal regulations on my desk in Washington which represents just 4 months – April through July – of federal rulemaking,” said Posey. “I’ve got January through March – another 2 and a half feet of federal regulations – on my desk in Florida. At present, federal agencies are working on crafting more than 4,000 regulations. The average per employee cost of federal regulations totals about $5,282 for a large employer and $7,647 for a small employer. Is it any wonder jobs aren’t being created in America?

“Certainly some regulation is needed when authorized by Congress, but we need to take a step back and look at what Washington is doing, what is necessary, and how many jobs these excessive regulations are killing. So while I was pleased to hear the President tonight recognize the need to hold off on some regulations, we need action. There’s a lot of work to do in order to free up this economy to provide businesses with long-term certainty on taxes, federal spending and federal rulemaking.”


Posey Next to 4 Months of Federal Regulations

Rep. Posey stands next to 4 months worth of
new and proposed federal regulations measuring 3 feet tall.

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