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Posey Applauds Speaker’s New Ban on House Members Flying First Class

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) applauded Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s new House rules change that bans all Members of Congress from flying first class on the taxpayer’s dime. To help the Speaker enforce the new rules, Posey is offering an amendment to the FY 2011 Defense Authorization bill which requires the Speaker to lead by example and also fly coach, a move that would save taxpayers $28,000 a flight for her personal military aircraft when she travels back and forth to her home in San Francisco.

 “I’m glad the Speaker decided to create these new standards for cost savings and transparency,” said Congressman Posey. “But the rules must apply to every member in order for them to be effective and my amendment would do just that. Every time the Speaker boards her personal military aircraft it costs the taxpayers approximately $28,000 a flight. The leader of the people’s House should travel just like everyone else.”    

Posey submitted the amendment to the House Rules Committee for consideration.  The amendment is to the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 and would take effect when that bill is enacted on October 1, 2010.  Posey also said the Speaker’s office should work to release the House floor schedule earlier so members have enough time to make travel plans and can avoid having to make costly, last minute changes to their travel itineraries.

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