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Health Care Bill Gives Government Unprecedented Powers

Tonight the House of Representatives narrowly passed legislation to expand the federal government’s role in every American’s health care decisions with a sweeping takeover of the nation’s health care system. Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) cast his vote against the bill, citing massive new tax increases coupled with more debt, more bureaucracy, a loss of personal freedom and a lack of transparency in the overall process of writing and passing the legislation.

“From the very beginning, the process of drafting a health care reform bill has lacked transparency, accountability and any kind of honest bipartisan discussion,” said Congressman Posey. “Never before has Congress considered a bill that so fundamentally changes the relationship between our people and the government. No one is suggesting the status quo is acceptable and I have cosponsored more than a dozen health care bills aimed at fixing the problems with our current system. And I worry that by enacting this legislation, Congress and the Administration will be driving our nation deeper into debt with the bill being passed on to our children and grandchildren.” 

Read Congressman Posey’s Full Statement for the Record

View Congressman Posey’s Speech on the House Floor

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