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Congressman Posey’s Statement on the State of the Union Address

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement in regards to tonight’s the State of the Union Address:

“Congress and the Administration need to put forward a serious plan to create the right kind of environment for businesses, both small and large, to grow and prosper,” said Congressman Posey. “We need to be looking at ways to make America more competitive in the world so businesses will choose to stay here and continue to employ Americans.” 

“One way to keep America competitive in the world is by maintaining America’s leadership in space and I’m disappointed that the President has not stepped up to provide the necessary leadership to close the space gap. It’s important to preserve our edge in science and technology; national security and an overall higher standard of living.”

“Transparency leads to greater accountability, neither of which I am willing to sacrifice so that legislation can be expedited through the system. I’ve introduced legislation to open-up the process here in Congress and let sunshine into government institutions. I hope to see these principles adopted as we move forward with the debate on health care reform, spending and other important issues.”

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