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Posey Hosts Health Care Forum As Congress Prepares to Debate Options

Today Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) hosted a roundtable discussion with constituents and local health care experts to listen to their concerns and ideas as Congress begins consideration of health care legislation in the coming weeks. Some Congressional leaders have already drafted legislation, but details like the overall cost of their proposals, the degree to which individuals will have control over their benefits, and ways to pay for the reforms have yet to be flushed out.

“The first step is to listen to what folks like and don’t like about their current health plans,” said Congressman Posey. “There are several bills currently floating around Congress, but the process needs to involve individuals who will be impacted the most by reform efforts being drafted by politicians in Washington.”

Thursday’s roundtable discussion brought together representatives from 13 local health care organizations including Health First, Wuesthoff, Physician’s Assistant Associates, MIMA, AARP, Congregations for Community Action, Brevard County Health Department, Pediatrics of Brevard, Brevard Health Care Alliance, Brevard County Medical Society, and constituents from the surrounding community.

House Majority leaders recently put forward a proposal for a government plan which relies heavily on tax increases on small businesses, limited choices and the creation dozens of new entitlement programs. Three other plans have been offered in the U.S. Senate by three different Committee Chairmen as well.

In the past, the House has approved Small Business Association Health Care plans – 6 times in the last 7 years – but special interests have exerted enough pressure to block the idea in the Senate. Association Health Plans allow small businesses owners to pool their resources together with other members of their respective trade associations across the nation to create a larger pool. The larger pool can be used to buy health care in bulk, bringing down the cost much like the way the federal government offers health insurance plans.

Posey said he has already gotten a lot of feedback from his constituents, many of whom like their currents plans and want to keep them. Others say they want to be sure that they can continue to choose their own physicians and the benefits that their plan includes; or that they like their current plan but need some help paying some of the cost. Some seniors say they are worried Congress will eliminate the Medicare Advantage program to pay for new reform proposals. In the 15th Congressional district more than 40,000 seniors have chosen to enroll in a Medicare Advantage health plan.

“There are several fundamental principles that are going to guide me as we move forward with any health care reform legislation,” said Posey. “First, do no harm – every American should be able to keep their current plan, today and tomorrow. Second, I will not vote for any bill in its final form that I have not been given proper time to read and evaluate.”

Posey added that he wanted to hear from constituents on this issue and folks can contact him through his website www.posey.house.gov.

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