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Posey Opposed to New Plan to Make Wounded Vets Pay for Service Injuries

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) said today he will vigorously oppose a proposal by the Administration that would require injured military service veterans to pay for a portion of their medical care.  The Obama Administration has outlined a proposal in their budget that would force veterans’ personal insurance plans to pay for the costs of treating service-connected disabilities and injuries.  Under the plan personal insurance - the premiums of which are paid for by veterans - would be required to pay the VA for service connected medical care veterans receive at VA medical facilities.
“I couldn’t agree more with American Legion Commander David Rehbein who said after a meeting at the White House on Monday, ‘the United States Government sent the members of the armed forces into harm’s way, and not private insurance companies’,” said Rep. Posey.  “This proposal would essentially ask combat injured veterans to pick up part of the costs of the medical care associated with their injuries. This is flat out wrong.”
Monday’s meeting followed a letter sent to the White House earlier this month from the American Legion and other veterans service organizations stating in part, “There is simply no logical explanation for billing a veteran’s personal insurance for care that the VA has a responsibility to provide….placing the burden of these fiscal problems on men and women who have already sacrificed a great deal for this country is unconscionable.”
The Administration’s proposal could adversely impact veterans in several ways including: causing veterans to reach lifetime maximum insurance coverage limits and leading to them paying for the care associated with treating their own injuries through paying deductibles and higher premiums.
Current policy holds that the United States government is to care for "him who shall have borne the battle".  This plan violates that principle.

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