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National Debt

Assure Servicemembers Are Paid (ASAP) Act (H.R. 1508)

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Congressman Posey introduced the ASAP Act or the Assure Servicemembers Are Paid Act to require that in the event of a government shutdown, our military men and women defending our nation continue being paid without delay. The United States enjoys the benefits of an all volunteer, professional military force. Many of the families of junior enlisted service members are surviving paycheck to…

Posey, Foxx Introduce Bill to Eliminate Congressional Death Benefit

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U.S. Representatives Bill Posey (R-FL) and Virginia Foxx (R-NC) were joined by 5 of their colleagues in introducing legislation (H.R. 3127) to eliminate a generous death benefit set aside for the family of Members of Congress who pass away during the term of their service. “I believe Members of Congress should do what other Americans do, purchase their own life insurance.” said Posey.…

Posey: Last Minute Plan Falls Short of What is Needed to Curb Debt

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding his vote against the debt limit deal: “Our nation is deep in debt and plummeting deeper in the red every day. The Federal government is spending way beyond its means. The credit ratings agencies have warned that the U.S. will lose its AAA credit rating unless Washington enacts a credible, long-term plan to…

Posey: Reid Bill Needs Long-Term Plan to Control Spending, Reduce Debt

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding today’s vote: “Today I joined a bipartisan majority of my House colleagues in rejecting Senator Reid’s bill to give the Administration their requested debt ceiling increase of $2.4 trillion using questionable accounting tricks to fabricate spending cuts. This is not a serious approach to solving our…

Posey: Serious, Long-Term Plan Needed to Tackle Nation’s Debt Problems

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding this evening's vote: “In 1997, the Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution passed the House of Representatives, but fell one vote short of passage in the United States Senate. That year the national debt was $5.4 trillion. Since that failure, the national debt has grown by 265% to more…

Posey Statement on House Passage of Cut, Cap and Balance Legislation

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL) released the following statement regarding House passage of H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap and Balance Act: “In March of 2006, two years before I arrived in Washington, the Senate was debating a debt limit increase of $781 billion to bring the total national debt to $9 trillion. Then-Senator Obama took to the floor and berated ‘the fact that we are here today to…

Posey Legislation Guarantees Social Security Checks for Senior Citizens

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Today Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL) was joined by 6 of his House colleagues in introducing legislation to ensure the timely payment of Social Security benefits to senior citizens. Last week, the President warned that he could not “guarantee” that Social Security benefits would be paid to retirees if a deal could not be reached on the debt ceiling. “The President is essentially saying…

Posey Votes to End Libya Conflict; Prohibit Ground Troops from Being Deployed

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) today voted in support of two resolutions concerning the ongoing U.S. military action in Libya. The House considered H. Res. 292, which declares that the President shall not deploy members of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Libya, and H. Con. Res. 51 which directs the President to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya,…

Posey: No More Blank Checks for Washington

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With the support of Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge), the House of Representatives this evening voted against raising the nation’s $14.2 trillion debt limit by another $2.4 trillion. Over the past 4 years, Congress has voted 6 times to raise the statutory debt ceiling resulting in an additional $5.3 trillion added to the debt. In total, Congress has raised the debt limit 76 times…

Congressman Posey's Statement on the Possibility of a Government Shutdown

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Congressman Posey released the following statement regarding a possible government shutdown: “Yesterday the House passed a bill that would (1) fund all federal agencies for one more week so that negotiations could be completed on the larger bill, (2) fund the Department of Defense through the rest of the year so that our troops get paid, (3) and cut $12 billion in federal spending…

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