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Congressman Posey's Statement on the Possibility of a Government Shutdown

Congressman Posey released the following statement regarding a possible government shutdown:

“Yesterday the House passed a bill that would (1) fund all federal agencies for one more week so that negotiations could be completed on the larger bill, (2) fund the Department of Defense through the rest of the year so that our troops get paid, (3) and cut $12 billion in federal spending that has been agreed to by all parties.

“This bill passed with bipartisan support in the House and has been sent to the Senate.

“I was disappointed that the President called this bill a “distraction” and issued a veto threat last night. Yet, he failed to mention any specific policies in the bill with which he disagreed.

“Hopefully he will change his mind and sign the bill to allow another week to reach a final agreement before he shuts down the government.

“In the event that the government does shut down, I have requested that my pay be suspended.

“Our local office in Melbourne, along with our Washington office, will remain open with limited staff to assist constituents.”

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