Achieving Energy Independence
An "All of the Above" Approach to Energy
America needs a comprehensive “all of the above” approach to energy security to meet our nation’s long-term and a short-term plans for achieving energy independence. The way forward is to simultaneously develop our nation’s oil and natural gas resources along with renewable clean energy, nuclear power and important conservation initiatives. As a matter of national security, we must reduce our dependency on Middle East and other foreign sources of oil. Our economy needs inexpensive fuel in order to grow, add jobs and raise the capital to develop the new technologies that will power America in the future. Renewable energy is an important part of the energy independence agenda. While we should strive to meet a larger portion of our energy needs with renewable resources, we must recognize that scaling up such projects is expensive and takes many years. It is an important priority that we should advance. Rep. Posey is a supporter of cost-effective solar, wind, biofuels, tidal and advanced battery technologies. Energy efficiency and conservation are an important part of our energy independence equation. |