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House Approves Posey-Webster-Franklin Initiative to Block FAA Research Collaboration with Communist China

The House approved an initiative led by Florida Congressmen Bill Posey, Dan Webster, and Scott Franklin to block the ability of Communist China from benefiting from Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) research and development programs. 

“The CCP has been successful at portraying itself as a benevolent and benign presence in the world community,” said Congressman Posey. “In reality, China is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. China views all of its entities through a military lens and works quietly to gain influence all over the world.”

“The CCP is a threat to America’s national and economic security,” said Congressman Webster. “As the FAA Reauthorization Act includes important investments into research and development that will streamline FAA operations, I’m pleased that our proposal was included to ensure federal dollars aren’t being awarded to entities under Communist China’s influence.”

“The Chinese Communist Party will stop at nothing to undermine U.S. global leadership, and that includes intellectual property theft,” said Congressman Franklin. “Our provision will safeguard the important R&D included in the FAA reauthorization bill from malign CCP-influence.  I’m pleased this commonsense measure passed the House, and I thank my colleague, Mr. Posey, for his consistent leadership on American research security.”

China has long been known to steal American intellectual property or to influence American research. Posey, Webster, and Franklin worked with the House Science, Space and Technology Committee to incorporate security language in the research and development portion of the FAA reauthorization bill passed by the House and Senate. 

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