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Posey: Securing the Border, Fighting Inflation are Top Budget Priorities

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding the budget:

“On Friday, I voted for a resolution to reduce spending, secure our nation’s border, pay our military servicemembers, and keep the government open and serving people while Congress finishes the annual appropriations bills. While that legislation was not perfect, it was a rare chance to advance common sense budget priorities to solve important problems rather than nothing. This new resolution, on Saturday, continues the cycle of Washington budget gimmicks and failed policies which have created a crisis on our southern border, fueled deficit spending and ballooned our national debt to unsustainable levels bringing about historic inflation and price increases on American families and workers. It’s unacceptable, I voted against it, and I will NOT vote for any budget proposal that does not secure our border.”

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