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Reps. Posey and Williams Introduce Legislation to Stop China from Stealing Taxpayer-Funded Research

  • US Capitol

Today, Congressman Bill Posey (FL-08) and Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) introduced the Stop Funding Our Adversaries’ Research Act. This bill is simple: to put America first by denying federal research funds to countries of concern, which includes China. 

“The current system to protect American innovation has several loopholes that allow adversarial countries like China to participate in taxpayer funded research initiatives and take the findings which may later be used against United States and our interests,” said Congressman Posey. “There is no transparency and accountability for how taxpayer dollars are spent, and it is because of this flawed system that Congressman Williams and I introduced this legislation to protect American innovation.”

“Scientific research and development are the bedrock of American innovation and economic growth. It is crucial for our nation’s security and future that we prevent foreign infiltration of American science and technology from adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The Stop Funding Our Adversaries’ Research Act comprehensively prohibits the federal government from supporting research and development activities in adversarial countries,” said Congressman Brandon Williams. “In doing so, this bill ensures that the discoveries and innovation produced by American-taxpayer-supported R&D activities benefit Americans, not our geopolitical rivals and enemies. I am proud to co-lead this important legislation with Congressman Posey.”

Last year, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report on federal research that shows how our government collaborates with China. In the report, the GAO discovered millions of federal research funds went directly to Chinese entities and an undetermined amount indirectly. The full amount is “not known” because of limitations with reporting requirements. The Stop Funding Our Adversaries’ Research Act requires agency heads to seek Congressional approval before funding or conducting research with China and other countries of concern.

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