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Congressman Posey's Statement on the FBI's Raid on President Trump's Residence

Congressman Posey released the following statement regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s Mar A Lago estate last night:

“The left and their woke allies in Washington have been obsessed with their phony narratives and disproven conspiracy theories about Donald Trump for the last seven years. He is the most investigated president in history and nothing criminal has turned up. Yet, the same Department of Justice and FBI weaponized against President Trump has turned a blind eye to decades of the Biden Family’s corrupt business practices and influence peddling in the Ukraine, China, Russia and elsewhere.  The Washington swamp has been consumed with this obsession of getting Donald Trump at all costs— and it’s undemocratic. The Biden Justice Department’s raid on the former President’s residence is unprecedented and takes a page from third world dictators who jail dissidents and quash dissent.  Instead, this Administration should be focused on fixing the economy, lowering prices, building American energy independence, securing our borders, protecting our communities from rampant crime, and countering China.”

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