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Rep. Posey's Statement on Election Fraud & Actions Taken

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding election fraud:

“Reports of massive voter fraud and the locking out legal election observers must be investigated immediately by the Department of Justice. The right to vote is not only a Constitutional Right, but a civil right, and must be protected. Running fair and transparent elections is something America must live up to.”

Actions Taken:

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Department of Justice to investigate election fraud. November 6, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's Op-Ed on election fraud and the need for transparency in elections. November 12, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Department of Justice to investigate election software and hardware. November 13, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Chief Postal Inspector to investigate fraud with mail-in ballots. November 18, 2020

                                      Click Here to read the Response from the Chief Postal Inspector - November 30, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to DOJ, DHS, DOS and DNI to investigate election software. November 20, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to DOJ to ensure election integrity. December 1, 2020 

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Inspector General of the DOJ. December 9, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Inspector General of the CIA. December 10, 2020

Click Here to read Rep. Posey's letter to the Inspector General of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. December 15, 2021

                                  Click Here to read the response from U.S. Election Assistance Commission's Inspector General. February 5, 2021

Click Here to read the amicus brief filed by Rep. Mike Johnson, Rep. Posey and 125 Members of Congress in the US Supreme Court

Click Here to read the joint statement of 37 Members challenging electoral votes of certain states. January 6, 2021

Click Here to view Rep. Posey's floor speech on challenging the electoral votes. January 7, 2021

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