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Posey Recognizes National Estuaries Week with House Floor Speech

Today Rep. Posey went to the floor of the House of Representatives to highlight the importance of protecting our National Estuaries like our Indian River Lagoon and to recognize National Estuaries Week (September 14th - 21st). National Estuaries Week is a special time for a national celebration of our estuary efforts and for local estuary programs, within the national program, to bring the importance of estuaries to their communities, and conduct activities to involve and energize people across our nation. 

CLICK HERE to watch Rep. Posey's speech on the House Floor.   

Earlier in the week the bipartisan Congressional Estuary Caucus, which Rep. Posey co-chairs, hosted an expo at the Capitol for organizations working to support our estuaries to educate Members of Congress and Congressional Staff as well as to promote innovative solutions to the challenges facing these vital ecosystems. To date 34 Members of Congress have joined the Congressional Estuary Caucus which has held numerous briefings to help promote our nation's estuaries.  

On the federal level, Rep. Posey has worked with colleagues in Congress to advance bipartisan legislation that will support our national estuaries and improve the health of the Lagoon:
  • Funding for the National Estuary Program: Lead successful efforts in the House to reauthorize the National Estuary Program. Testified before both the House Budget and Appropriations Committees on the importance of the National Estuary Program. Secured funding for bipartisan plan to make more resources available to our nation’s estuaries. 
  • Saving Stranded Marine Mammals: Restored funding for the Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Program, which matches local funding to address manatee and dolphin strandings and deaths.
  • Everglades Funding: Voted for passage of the Water Resources Development Act to fund the Central Everglades Restoration Projects (CERP) restoring the Everglades and the Lagoon.

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