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Shinseki Resignation Still Leaves Many Bad Actors in Place at Veterans Affairs

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement concerning the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki amidst a growing scandal of abuse and mistreatment of our military veterans at numerous VA facilities across the nation:

“The Inspector General report (here) issued earlier this week makes clear that the problems within the VA are not related to one person, but are symptomatic of a culture that is failing at multiple levels to put the care of our veterans first.

“Clearly there are widespread problems in VA facilities all across the nation. Some employees have been able to ‘rig the system’ putting their personal finances ahead of the job they were called to do which is providing the earned benefit of quality medical care to those who have served this nation at home and abroad. Something is seriously wrong when some within a government agency foster this kind of behavior – and seek to hide it. This must change and there is a growing bipartisan majority in Congress demanding change and full accountability for everyone who abused the responsibility that was entrusted to them.

“Last week the House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation which I cosponsored to give the Secretary of Veterans Affairs broader authority to fire top agency officials who are failing to do their jobs, providing poor service to our veterans or who are engaged in corrupt practices. Sadly, the Senate has not moved on this bill and now the Secretary has resigned leaving the bad actors still in place.

“Veterans receiving care at our nation’s VA facilities deserve the best service possible and we should stop at nothing short of reaching that goal.”

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