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Posey’s Statement for the National Day of Prayer

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement in recognition of May 3, 2012 as a National Day of Prayer:

“Setting aside a day of prayer is not new for America. On April 30, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln said our country is worth the sacrifice of prayer for our Nation – and he set aside a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer…to unite… to keep the day holy to the Lord.

“America is rooted in a Judeo-Christian faith. George Washington said, ‘It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.’

“We are One Nation Under God – ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.’ The Mayflower sailed through uncharted waters to an unknown land – a land that was claimed ‘for the glory of God and the Christian faith.’ – Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620. Today America is once again on uncharted waters. We need to return to America’s roots and founding principles.

“Lord, we pray for Your Spirit to work in and through every pastor, church, believer and gathering of believers in America today. Thank You for all the blessings You have poured out on America. Thank You for Your Creation, Your Word, Your Son, Your Spirit and Your Truth. Thank You for the faith of our founders.

“We ask for a rebirth of an understanding between right and wrong. Lead us, in Your ways of thinking and doing what is right for our Nation. As our liberties hang in the balance, we ask for your guidance and help in restoring liberty for our children.

“We pray for wisdom and strength for the President, his cabinet, his administration and his family and for the Congress. We pray for wisdom for our state and local leaders as well. We pray that they would seek your guidance.

“Protect our nation and guide our troops and bless them for their sacrifice. We thank you for them and we lift up their family members before you. Sustain them.

“Please guide and lead the rebuilding of the family in America. Bring us to a renewed sense of community in America - neighbor helping neighbor. We ask You to raise up Godly leaders who put principle over politics. We ask that ethics, honor and integrity would once again be the virtues that guide our land.

“Lord, lead us to Godly, inspired and creative solutions for our out-of-control relationship with money and debt. Bless our businesses and our families. We lift up before You those who are struggling in a very challenging economic time. Teach us to value our role as citizens so that we may better understand out duties and obligations as citizens in this great nation. Draw us to Your vision and to desire to know the true principles upon which this country was built.

“Lord, we are grateful to you for America’s many blessings. Watch over our nation and let us be a beacon of light to the world. We ask these things in your holy name. Amen.

“God Bless You and God Bless America.”

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