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Posey Salutes Nation’s Heroes on America’s 235th Birthday

Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL) released the following statement in honor of our nation’s July 4th celebrations:

“As we commemorate Independence Day this year I wanted to take a moment to thank our military men and women, and our veterans for their service to our nation. Without the dedication of service members who have made the conscious decision to make great personal sacrifices, up to and including giving their lives in defense of our nation, we would not have the freedoms we enjoy today.

“In 1776 representatives gathered in Philadelphia to set forth a vision, and 235 years later, the vision that they committed themselves to has been sustained by the self-sacrifice of those who chose to put their fellow citizens and their love of country before their own personal desires. Our men and women in uniform have been called upon to defend America, and each time young men and women have answered their nation’s call to duty.

“On Independence Day, we are reminded again that freedom is not free. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who have sacrificed for our freedom. I believe that we should continue to honor the commitments we have made to our war fighters, and I am working with my colleagues to ensure we do.

“Today, our prayers are with those who are serving on the front lines of freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other battlefields across the world. And, our prayers are with their loved ones and the loved ones of those who did not return home.

“We owe them a debt of gratitude for defending our nation and for securing the liberty that we hold dear.”

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