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Posey: President Reagan’s Leadership Sparked an American Comeback

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement in remembrance of our nation’s 40th President, Ronald Wilson Reagan, on what would have been his 100th birthday:

“Over the course of our 235 year history, America has enjoyed many decades of peace and prosperity. But we’ve also faced numerous challenges, hardships and times when the future was so uncertain.

“It was at the height of the Cold War that America was blessed with a leader, President Ronald Reagan, who was able to capture our imaginations and make big problems seem like really small bumps in the road. His leadership won the Cold War for America and the cause of freedom.

“This Sunday marks what would have been President Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday and it’s worth noting that the 15th District is home to the Ronald W. Reagan Post Office Building in West Melbourne. In fact, President Reagan visited Melbourne in 1986.

“This weekend as we gather with family and friends to watch the Super Bowl, I’ll also be tuning-in to the centennial tributes to our 40th President. Indeed President Reagan’s leadership inspired so many Americans to look past current problems to see a better tomorrow, to pursue our dreams, to accomplish a goal or to start a business, and be proud to be an American.”

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