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Posey Appoints Stuart Burns as His New Chief of Staff

Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) has named Stuart Burns his new Chief of Staff, succeeding Tonnie Wybensinger as his top advisor in Washington. Burns previously served in Posey’s Washington office as Legislative Director and Deputy Chief of Staff, and also served for fourteen years as a Legislative Aide to former Space Coast Congressman Dave Weldon, M.D.

“Stuart brings over 20 years of legislative and policy experience to this position along with an extensive knowledge of Florida’s 15th Congressional District, its constituencies and key industries,” said Posey. “I’ve been truly blessed to have him on staff for my first term in Congress and I’m excited about working with him moving forward.”

Stuart Burns graduated from King College in Bristol, TN with Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and History. He began working on Capitol Hill in 1988 with the House Republican Conference under Chairman Jerry Lewis. In 1992 he worked as a political appointee in the Administration of George H.W. Bush in the Office of Legislative Affairs at the U.S. Department of Education. He returned Capitol Hill in 1993 where he worked for Rep. Bill Baker (CA), 1993-1995, and for Rep. Dave Weldon (FL), 1995-2008. Burns joined Rep. Posey’s staff in January 2009 as Deputy Chief of Staff until his promotion to Chief of Staff earlier this month.

Posey said he will miss working with Wybensinger, his former Chief of Staff, and wishes her well. “Tonnie was a tremendous help to me getting started here in Congress. She’s a real team leader and I’m grateful to have benefitted from all her experience, hard work and her dedication to serving the people of Florida.”

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