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Freshman Republicans Recognize Rep. Ron Paul for His Legislation to Bring Greater Transparency to Government Institutions

Led by U.S. Representative Steve Austria (R-OH), the House Republican Freshman Class of the 111th Congress unanimously voted U.S. Representative Dr. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) legislation, H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, as the BEST LEGISLATION FILED during the 111th Congress. 

Representative Austria presented Dr. Paul with a Certificate of Appreciation from Freshman Members for his efforts to bring aboutgreater accountability and transparency in our public institutions and to thank him for his many years of service and dedication to the cause of liberty and the promotion of free market principles.

“As new members, we understand that the American people are not happy with the ‘closed door, backroom deal-making’ approach to government that has come to characterize Washington in recent years. Passage of your legislation would begin to move our government back into the sunlight where it belongs,” said Freshman Republicans in a letter to Dr. Paul.

“Transparency is an important building block of our public institutions,” said Representative Bill Posey (R-FL) who made the motion to nominate Dr. Paul’s legislation. “Representative Paul’s legislation, combined with his efforts over his many years of service, has made a positive contribution toward maintaining the freedoms which the Founders of our nation intended us all to have.”

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