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House Majority Says Middle Class Americans May Bear Burden of Big Government Agenda

The House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) announced yesterday that the House will not craft a budget this year but will look into raising taxes on middle class Americans as Congress continues record level deficit spending with no end in sight.

“I can understand how many Americans would perceive this to be a slap in the face,” said Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL). “Congress is moving forward with a costly agenda that most Americans reject and now Congressional Leaders are trying to charge them more for it. 

“They are so embarrassed over the level of their proposed deficit spending that they refuse to bring their budget outline up for a vote. Instead they are going try to move it through the Congress piecemeal, hoping that no one will add up the cumulative cost.  Now is the time to get serious about curbing spending, balancing the budget and freeing American businesses to create jobs.  We shouldn’t be saddling the American people and businesses with higher taxes.”

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