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Taxes & Fiscal Responsibility

Administration Ignores Bipartisan Plea by Entire Florida Congressional Delegation

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Florida) released the following statement regarding a new rule issued by the Treasury Department concerning Non-Resident Alien Deposits in U.S. banks: “The Administration's decision overturns a hundred-year old policy that has welcomed tens of billions of dollars from foreigners, putting their money to work in America. In doing so, the Administration has…

Posey: Washington Should Honor Tax Freedom Day with Tax and Regulatory Reform Package

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding Tax Freedom Day: “For years, leaders in Washington from both parties have been kicking the can down the road delaying important decisions affecting our nation’s financial condition, energy security and regulatory burden,” said Congressman Posey. “Years of irresponsible stewardship have resulted in…

President’s $3.83 Trillion Budget Continues Washington’s Unprecedented Deficit Spending Spree

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Today the President released his Fiscal Year 2013 budget plan calling for record $3.8 trillion in spending for Fiscal Year 2013, projecting another $1.3 trillion budget deficit for 2012, and a budget path that never balances and increases the overall national debt to $25 Trillion in 2022. “This is not a serious plan to make Washington live within its means,” said Congressman Bill…

Posey: Omnibus Bill Falls Short of Curtailing Out-of-Control Spending

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Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a 1200-page omnibus spending bill for Fiscal Year 2012 bringing total discretionary spending to more than $1.053 trillion, several billion more than last year's spending level. Congressman Bill Posey voted against the legislation, which spends $31.6 billion more than the House passed budget plan and nearly $10 billion more than the…

Rep. Posey's Statement on the Balanced Budget Amendment

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Sadly, today the House failed to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution by a vote of 261 – 165. Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) supported the Amendment, however passage required a 2/3 majority. Below is Congressman Posey’s statement for the Congressional record: “Nearly every state in the union is required to balance its budget each year, including my home state of…

The Child Tax Credit Preservation Act (H.R. 508)

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Congressman Posey introduced the Child Tax Credit Preservation Act which makes the $1,000 per child tax credit permanent and requires that it be indexed to account for inflation each year. The idea behind the legislation is to help families plan for future expenses and to correct for the value of the credit which has eroded due to inflation since 2001 when it was set at $1,000. It should…

Posey, Foxx Introduce Bill to Eliminate Congressional Death Benefit

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U.S. Representatives Bill Posey (R-FL) and Virginia Foxx (R-NC) were joined by 5 of their colleagues in introducing legislation (H.R. 3127) to eliminate a generous death benefit set aside for the family of Members of Congress who pass away during the term of their service. “I believe Members of Congress should do what other Americans do, purchase their own life insurance.” said Posey.…

Posey: Last Minute Plan Falls Short of What is Needed to Curb Debt

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding his vote against the debt limit deal: “Our nation is deep in debt and plummeting deeper in the red every day. The Federal government is spending way beyond its means. The credit ratings agencies have warned that the U.S. will lose its AAA credit rating unless Washington enacts a credible, long-term plan to…

Posey: Reid Bill Needs Long-Term Plan to Control Spending, Reduce Debt

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding today’s vote: “Today I joined a bipartisan majority of my House colleagues in rejecting Senator Reid’s bill to give the Administration their requested debt ceiling increase of $2.4 trillion using questionable accounting tricks to fabricate spending cuts. This is not a serious approach to solving our…

Posey: Serious, Long-Term Plan Needed to Tackle Nation’s Debt Problems

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Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement regarding this evening's vote: “In 1997, the Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution passed the House of Representatives, but fell one vote short of passage in the United States Senate. That year the national debt was $5.4 trillion. Since that failure, the national debt has grown by 265% to more…

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