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Coastal & Estuarine Resilience: Case Studies from the Pacific Northwest

Congressmembers Suzanne Bonamici, Bill Posey, Rick Larsen and Brian Mast, co-chairs of the Congressional Estuary Caucus, invite you to a luncheon briefing to hear from regional experts and leaders about how collaboration and cooperation among all sectors is combining to enhance the resilience of ecosystems, the restoration of endangered salmon and confront the severe plight of  Southern Resident orcas. These species are a central part of the cultural identity, fishing economy and tourism industry of the Pacific Northwest.

Lessons gleaned from this discussion have implications and valuable lessons for estuary restoration along every coast.

By 2025, 75% of Americans will live within 50 miles of a coast. Within this narrow band are estuaries, some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet as well as home to many major cities and Ports. These vital gateways to our oceans are also highly vulnerable to sea level rise, storm inundation and erosion, and loss of critical fish and wildlife habitats. Understanding the risks estuaries face, and the proactive steps being taken to enhance the resiliency of these special places, will be the topic of this briefing.

Come join us to learn more about efforts underway to enhance resiliency in Puget Sound, the Lower Columbia River, and closely related salmon restoration efforts throughout the region.

Panelists include:

Laura Blackmore, Deputy Director, Puget Sound Partnership

Meta Loftsgaarden, Executive Director, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Working with the OWEB Board

Debrah Marriott, Executive Director, Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership

Justin Parker, Executive Director, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission


Dr. Jacques White, Executive Director, Long Live the Kings

Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Room: 2325 Rayburn House Office Building

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