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House Votes to Delay Health Care Mandates

Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation with the support of Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) to delay for one year the health insurance mandates on both employers (H.R. 2667) and individuals (H.R. 2668), which are part of the 2010 health care law. The President recently announced that he will unilaterally suspend the January 2014 statutory deadline that requires employers to provide government approved health insurance to employees but he will keep in place the provision that mandates that individuals buy federally approved health insurance or face a fine.

“I don't think that the President has the authority, nor should he give businesses a pass while still imposing this expensive mandate on individual Americans and fining them for not signing up for government-approved health care,” said Congressman Posey. “From day one the health care law has been a drag on the economy and has hindered job creation while doing nothing to bring down the price of health insurance. The Administration's decision to give businesses a pass, but keep the mandate on individuals is a double standard that should not stand. The top priority for leaders in Washington should be protecting our liberty and creating a better environment for businesses across our nation to grow and add jobs.”

The health care law requires that the mandates for individuals and businesses take effect on “January 1, 2014”. The Administration's decision to ignore the clear language of the law by suspending the mandate for businesses while keeping the mandate in place for individuals flies in the face of the clear reading of the legislation.

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